use strict;
use IPC::Open2;
use IO::Handle;
use Irssi;
use Irssi::Irc;
use Irssi::TextUI;
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = '0.3.1';
%IRSSI = (
authors => 'Nathan Coad',
contact => '',
name => 'aspeller',
description => 'Checks your typing for spelling mistakes',
license => 'GPLv2',
url => '',
changed => '19/02/05',
#First of all, define the location to aspell either using the global variable
# $program below, or type "/set aspell_path <path_to_aspell>" in Irssi.
#To disable this script, type "/set aspell_enable OFF" in Irssi.
#To send a command to aspell, use the "/aspell" command. This will pass
# the first argument (delimted by whitespace) to aspell. A list of useful
# commands is as follows:
# *word Add a word to the personal dictionary
# &word Insert the all-lowercase version of the word in the personal
# dictionary
# @word Accept the word, but leave it out of the dictionary
# # Save the current personal dictionary
#To add a word to aspell's personal dictionary, you can also use the
# "/aspell_add <word_to_insert>" command.
#To get aspell to make some suggestions about a mispelled word, use the
# "/suggest" command. The format of this command is
# /suggest <word_spelt_incorrectly>
#To unload this script, you MUST execute the "/aspell_shutdown" command in
# Irssi. This will remove the pipe used to communicate with aspell.
# Failure to unload the script using this command will result in zombie
# processes.
#investigate the possibility of getting aspell to ignore nicks
#my $length = Irssi::parse_special ( "\$[-!0]\@L" );
# - Changed things totally. Now uses a statusbar to highlight spelling errors
# - Fixed parsing for * at beginning of input string
# - Fixed some escaping problems with input and output text
# - Currently leading special characters and the presence of $ and % screw thigns up
# - Special leading characters should be fixed
# - Improved removal of special leading characters
# - Altered the statusbar so its prefixed with the channel name rather than Aspell
# - Added a hack so the statusbar displays the end of the text if you've typed more than the screen's width
# - Fixed a flaw that made the statusbar redraw constantly
#define global vars
#see for a list of possible colours
my $aspell_colour = '%G';
my $hilighted_colour = '%r%8';
#This is set to 15 by default in irssi. If this number doesnt seem right, have a look in ~/.irssi/config at this line:
# prompt = "{prompt $[.15]itemname}";
#The number in that line should be the number that $max_window_name_length is set to
my $max_window_name_length = 15;
my $program = "/usr/bin/aspell";
my $program_args = " -a -p .aspeller --sug-mode=ultra --lang=en_GB";
#explanation of args:
# -a puts aspell in pipe mode. THIS IS ESSENTIAL
# -p .aspeller sets aspell to use the personal dictionary contained in .aspeller.
# feel free to change the name of this dictionary.
# --sug-mode=ultra tells aspell not to bother looking too hard for the correct word,
# since we currently ignore this anyway. Suggestion mode can be one of:
# ultra, fast, normal, bad-spellers
my $debug = 0;
use vars qw($global_text $last_text $text_length $server $window $speed $g_window_name $enabled $g_offset @results);
use vars qw($read $write $pid);
sub init()
#organise program path
if ($program ne Irssi::settings_get_str('aspell_path')) {
if ($debug) {print "Aspell location redefined in user settings";}
$program = Irssi::settings_get_str('aspell_path');
#append flags to aspell
$program .= $program_args;
if ($debug) {print "Aspell is now " . $program;}
#open aspell for reading and writing
#and check to make sure it didnt fail
eval {
$pid = open2(*READ, *WRITE, $program);
if ($@) {
if ($@ =~ /^open2/) {
warn "open2 failed: $!\n$@\n";
die; # reraise unforeseen exception
#setup global variables holding the filehandles
$read = *READ;
$write = *WRITE;
if ($debug) {print "The pid of aspell is " . $pid;}
#get the identifier line that aspell always outputs
my $idn_line = <READ>;
chomp $idn_line;
print $idn_line;
#put aspell in terse mode
print WRITE "!\n";
#get user-defined settings
$speed = Irssi::settings_get_int('aspell_speed');
$enabled = Irssi::settings_get_bool('aspell_enable');
print "Aspeller version $VERSION loaded. Please type /aspell_shutdown to close this script";
#get the current window name into the global variable
sub main()
#the program's main loop, triggered every timeout
#if the script is disabled, return now
if (! $enabled) {return;}
#get the current line of input text
my $text = Irssi::parse_special('$L');
$text_length = length($text);
#if it hasnt changed, redraw the status bar and return
if ($text eq $last_text) { return; }
if ($debug) {print "Last text (".$last_text."), curr text (".$text;}
$g_offset = 0;
if (check_command($text)) {
#dont do anything
} else {
#process the input text for spelling mistakes
$global_text = (colourize(escape_ize($text)));
#$global_text = (colourize($text));
#do some final stuff
#a nasty little hack, especially if we end up cutting in the middle of a colour code
my $width = Irssi::active_win()->{width} - length($g_window_name) -1;
if ($text_length > $width) {
$global_text = substr($global_text,- $width,$width);
} else {
$global_text = $global_text;
#display the info on the statusbar
$last_text = $text;
sub check_command()
#checks if the input text is a command
#returns 1 if it is
my $text = @_[0];
if ($text =~ /^\// && $text !~ /^\/me/) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub aspell_interface($)
#handles interactions with aspell
my ($text) = @_;
#my ($line, $pid);
*READ = $read;
*WRITE = $write;
#reset the global array
@results = ();
#format the text ready for output to aspell
$text = prepare_text($text);
#check to make sure we should output to aspell
if ($text eq "" || $text eq "\n") {
if ($debug) {print "no text to input";}
} elsif ($debug) {
print $text;
#send aspell the line of text
print WRITE $text;
#check for output until a newline
while(<READ>) {
if ($_ eq "\n") {
@results[$#results + 1] = $_;
sub prepare_text($)
#prepares the text for sending to aspell
#adds a trailing newline
#and removes the following characters from the beginning: *, &, @, +, -, ~, #, !, %, and ^
my $text = @_[0];
my $char;
my $found = 1;
my @bad_chars = ('\*','&', '@', '\+', '-', '~', '#', '!', '%', '\^','\$\$');
if ($text !~ /\n$/) {
$text .= "\n";
while ($found == 1) {
$found = 0;
foreach $char (@bad_chars) {
#print "Searching for (".$char.")";
#$g_offset = 0;
while ($text =~ s/^$char//) {
$found = 1;
#if ($g_offset < -20) {last;}
# print "Offset reached " . $g_offset;
#sleep 2;
if ($debug) {print "Filtered text (".$text.")";}
return $text;
sub colourize()
#handle the colouration of the output text
#returns the coloured text
my ($text) = @_;
my $correction_counter = $g_offset;
if ($#results == -1) {
#then there were no typos
#so just return the original text
return $text;
} else {
my $text2 = $text;
foreach (@results) {
if ($debug) {print "Result: ".$_;}
$text2 = colourize_text($text2,$_,$correction_counter);
#add one for every character inserted to highlight the misspelt word
$correction_counter += 6;
#print "Correction counter is " . $correction_counter;
return $text2;
#alert($window, $text2);
#Irssi::signal_continue($text, $server, $window);
sub get_window_name()
#returns the window name (up to $max_window_name_length characters long)
my $awin = Irssi::active_win();
my $name;
#get the name
$_ = $awin->{active}->{type};
if ($_ eq 'CHANNEL' || $_ eq 'QUERY') {
$name = $awin->{active}->{visible_name};
} else {
$name = $awin->{name};
#if the string is too long, get rid of some
if (length($name) > $max_window_name_length) {
$name = substr($name,0,$max_window_name_length);
#return the name, complete with the brackets
$g_window_name = '[' . $name . ']';
sub colourize_text($$$)
#take the aspell output, and colour the misspelt word
#setup variables
my ($text, $result,$offset) = @_;
my @output;
my ($in_counter,$out_counter,$start,$length,$i);
$i = 0;
#split input text into an array
my @input = split(//,$text);
#get the place of the mispelt word
if ($result =~ /\&\s([^\s]+)\s\d+\s(\d+)/) {
#get the values ready
$length = $1;
$start = $2;
} elsif ($result =~ /\#\s([^\s]+)\s(\d+)/) {
#get the values ready
$length = $1;
$start = $2;
if ($debug) {
print "Start plus offset is " . ($start + $offset);
print $length;
print $start;
#copy input before the spelling mistake
for($i; $i < ($start + $offset); $i++) {
$output[$out_counter++] = $input[$in_counter++];
if ($debug) {print "Before the spelling mistake " . join("",@output);}
$output[$out_counter++] = $hilighted_colour;
$length = length($length) + $out_counter - 1;
#copy word
for($i; $i < ($length); $i++) {
$output[$out_counter++] = $input[$in_counter++];
if ($debug) {print "After the word " . join("",@output);}
$output[$out_counter++] = '%n';
#copy rest of $text
for($i; $i <= ($#input); $i++) {
$output[$out_counter++] = $input[$in_counter++];
if ($debug) {
$_ = join("",@output);
print "Final colouring: (".$_;
return join("",@output);
sub escape_ize()
#escape $ and %, since they're used for special things by irssi
my $text = @_[0];
#have to do something here
#but i cant figure out an easy way of doing it
#while ($text =~ s/\$/\$\$/) {$g_offset--;}
#while ($text =~ s/\%/\%\%/) {$g_offset--;}
$text =~ s/\$/\$\$/g;
$text =~ s/\%/\%\%/g;
return $text;
sub alert($$)
#sends the user a prompt in the channel window
my ($window, $msg) = @_;
if ($window eq 0) {
#handle the situation that $window isnt defined
print $msg;
} else {
##User Commands
sub set()
#send some command directly to aspell
my ($arguments, $server, $witem) = @_;
my $output;
*WRITE = $write;
*READ = $read;
my @arg_list = split(/\s+/, $arguments);
print WRITE $arg_list[0] . "\n";
$output = "Sent '" . $arg_list[0] . "' to aspell.";
#my $response = <READ>;
#print $response;
alert($witem, $output);
sub add()
#use the aspell command & to add the word to aspell's personal dictionary
my ($arguments, $server, $witem) = @_;
my @arg_list = split(/\s+/, $arguments);
my ($input, $output);
*WRITE = $write;
*READ = $read;
$input = prepare_text($arg_list[0]);
print WRITE '&' . $input;
print WRITE "#\n";
chomp $input;
$output = "Added '" . $input . "' to personal aspell dictionary.";
alert($witem, $output);
sub suggest()
#setup variables
my ($arguments, $server, $witem) = @_;
my ($output, $response, @temp);
*WRITE = $write;
*READ = $read;
#split the arguments variable into an array of arguments
my @arg_list = split(/\s+/, $arguments);
#THIS IS EVIL. do not uncomment this
#aspell 0.50.3 does not respond to this command
#so irssi will be blocked waiting for a response
#if ($debug) {
# print WRITE '$$cr sug-mode' . "\n";
# $response = <READ>;
# print $response;
#set aspell to normal mode to get spelling suggestions
#this can be changed to ultra, fast, normal or bad-spellers
print WRITE '$$cs sug-mode, normal' . "\n";
#check the first word
#reset aspell's sugestion mode
print WRITE '$$cs sug-mode, ultra' . "\n";
#if the word is spelt correctly, there will be no results
if ($#results == -1) {
#$output = "The spelling of " . $hilighted_colour . $arg_list[0] . " is correct";
$output = "The spelling of " . $aspell_colour . $arg_list[0] . "%n is correct";
alert($witem, $output);
#otherwise, format the results and output them
@temp = split(/:/, $results[0]);
chomp $temp[1];
$output = $aspell_colour . "Suggestions for '" . $arg_list[0] . "': " . $temp[1];
alert($witem, $output);
sub shutdown()
my ($arguments, $server, $witem) = @_;
#get the filehandles
*READ = $read;
*WRITE = $write;
#tell the user what we're doing
print "Shutting down the connection to aspell";
#save the user dictionary
print WRITE "#\n";
#clean up the pipe handles
print "Aspell connection shut down";
print "Unloading script " . $IRSSI{'name'};
Irssi::command("statusbar aspeller disable");
$_ = "script unload " . $IRSSI{'name'};
##Stuff to handle signals and settings
sub aspeller()
#the actual function that gets called to redraw the statusbar
my ($item, $get_size_only) = @_;
my $statusbar_prefix = $aspell_colour . $g_window_name . ' %n';
$item->default_handler($get_size_only, $statusbar_prefix . $global_text, undef, 1);
sub window_changed()
#update the status bar to reflect the changed window
#get the name of the new window
#and redraw the statusbar
sub aspellerUpdate()
#called if any settings are modified
#updates things to reflect new settings
#this bit adapted from Demonen's scroller script
if ($speed != Irssi::settings_get_int('aspell_speed')) {
if (Irssi::settings_get_int('aspell_speed') < 10){
Irssi::settings_set_int('aspell_speed', 10);
print "Sorry, minimum delay for timeouts in irssi is 10 ms. Delay set to 10 ms.";
$speed = Irssi::timeout_add(Irssi::settings_get_int('aspell_speed'), 'main' , undef);
#since this is the setting that was changed, return
$enabled = Irssi::settings_get_bool('aspell_enable');
if (! $enabled) {
Irssi::command("statusbar aspeller disable");
} else {
Irssi::command("statusbar aspeller enable");
#add settings
Irssi::settings_add_str('aspeller', 'aspell_path', $program);
Irssi::settings_add_bool('aspeller', 'aspell_enable', 1);
#setup Irssi signals
Irssi::timeout_add(Irssi::settings_get_int('aspell_speed'), 'main' , undef);
Irssi::signal_add('setup changed', 'aspellerUpdate');
Irssi::signal_add_last('window changed', 'window_changed');
Irssi::signal_add_last('window item changed', 'window_changed');
#setup the statusbar
Irssi::statusbar_item_register('aspeller', undef, 'aspeller');
Irssi::command("statusbar aspeller enable");
Irssi::command("statusbar aspeller add aspeller");
#add commands
#run init routine